Série de Salopettes

May 2018

This collection book is called ‘Serie de Salopettes’.


In this collection I took the salopette (dungaree in English) as a starting point and inspiration. Originally it is a working uniform, worn on top of your clothes, to protect yourself from damage and dirt. It is mainly worn in the garden and it is made out of denim because of the durability and the ease of this material.


Textile retailer Louis Lafont first designed the salopette in 1844 in Lyon as a working uniform for workers and farmers.

It was only around the 60’s that young people started wearing it in their free time.


In my collection I let the function of the salopette fade by giving a different form to the original silhouette. I decided to make it very feminine by accentuating the waist and legs and (sometimes) showing the neckline.


Not only the silhouette is differentiated from the original function, the colour is also not related to the original function of the salopette. To make it even more inconvenient for garden working my designs are immaculate white. 


Even though the shape and colour are different, you can still see a lot of characteristics of the original salopette.

As a reminder of the original function I added green stitching. This was done to connect the pieces with the place where they are originally used and to match the green grass spots you make when daring to wear it in the garden!